Saturday, October 12, 2013

Shameful Witness

     Recently, I've done some thinking about how we treat each other as Christians.  In teaching my children how to share their faith and be like Christ to the world daily, I have discovered that our greatest opportunity to witness to the lost is through the way we treat each other as Christians.  Often we fail at being Christ-like with one another.  We think we are but, through the eyes of the lost we are not.  We sit in church each week and hear we are to be the salt and light to the world, to encourage one another, to offer praise to our God and freely give forgiveness.  Yet, week after week at church, at fellowships, at games, at work, at school, at the park, at the store, at choir practice, at (you fill in the blank), we notice a brother or sister in Christ that is struggling, sad, down, fearful, confused, lonely, unsure, frustrated, angry, crushed, hurt, weary and we do nothing.